
Information for Prospective Ph.D. and Masters Students

In order to become a student in the lab it is necessary to be accepted into one of the various Ph.D. and Master's programs.
For your convenience, find below a list of the most suitable programs (this list is not exhaustive):

Master of Science ETH UZH in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics CBB

UZH Master of Science degree programs

Ph.D. Program in Biomolecular Structure and Mechanism

Ph.D. Program in Computational Science

Ph.D. Program in Molecular Life Sciences


Over the years, we have been fortunate to receive funding from a variety of public and private agencies. They include:

We gratefully acknowledge their support, which is essential to the success of the lab.

Brain Diseases Award

The Fonds BRAIN DISEASES, formerly provided for and organized by the Empiris Foundation, has been now been integrated into the UZH foundation, and you can see all relevant information for current awards by following this link (currently only in German).

The list of previous winners is as follows:

  1. Mathias Heikenwälder (UZH) for Chronic lymphocytic inflammation specifies the organ tropism of prions
  2. Marlen Knobloch (UZH) for Intracellular Aβ and cognitive deficits precede β-amyloid deposition in transgenic arcAβ mice and Eline Vrieseling (University of Basel) for Target-induced transcriptional control of dendritic patterning and connectivity in motor neurons by the ETS gene Pea3
  3. Anat Frydman-Marom (University of Tel Aviv) for Cognitive performance recovery of Alzheimer's disease model mice by modulating early soluble amyloid assemblies and Carsten Sachse (University of Jena) for Paired β-sheet structure of an Aβ(1-40) amyloid fibril revealed by electron microscopy
  4. Susanne Schneider (University of Lübeck) for Mutations in the THAP1 (DYT6) gene- a cause of generalized dystonia with prominent spasmodic dysphonia
  5. Verena Finder (ETH Zurich) for The recombinant amyloid-beta peptide Abeta1-42 aggregates faster and is more neurotoxic than synthetic Abeta1-42 and Andreas Vitalis (Washington University in St. Louis) for Quantitative characterization of intrinsic disorder in polyglutamine: insights from analysis based on polymer theories
  6. Stéphanie Vuillermot (ETH Zurich) for Analysis of neurodevelopmental impact of prenatal immune activation in mice reveals primary defects in dopaminergic development relevant to schizophrenia
  7. Amelie Ebke (LMU München) for Novel γ-secretase enzyme modulators directly target presenilin protein
  8. Sandra Giovanoli (ETH Zurich) for Stress in puberty unmasks latent neuropathological consequences of prenatal immune activation in mice
  9. Marc Aurel Busche (TU München) for Clusters of hyperactive neurons near amyloid plaques in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease and Katharina Gapp (UZH) for Implication of sperm RNAs in transgenerational inheritance of the effects of early trauma in mice
  10. Anne Maass (University of Magdeburg) for Vascular hippocampal plasticity after aerobic exercise in older adults
  11. Lisa Traunmüller (University of Basel) for Control of neuronal synapse specification by a highly dedicated alternative splicing program
  12. Tobias Wauer (University of Cambridge) for Structure of the human Parkin ligase domain in an autoinhibited state
  13. Gioele La Manno (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm) for RNA velocity in single cells
  14. Sara Bottes (UZH) for Live imaging of neurogenesis in the adult mouse hippocampus
  15. Claire Gizowski (UC San Francisco) for Interplay between peripheral signals, behaviour and the central clock and Sofie Ährlund-Richter (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm) for On the Neuronal Correlates of Cognition: Cell-type specific Circuitry and Function of the Prefrontal Cortex and Xuyu Qian (Harvard University) for Modeling Human Brain Development and Disorders Using HiPSC-derived Organoids
  16. Ekaterina Friebel (UZH) for Single-Cell Mapping of Human Brain Cancer Reveals Tumor-Specifiv Instruction of Tissue-Invading Leukocytes and Dasha Nelidova (University of Basel) for Restoring light sensitivity using tunable near-infrared sensors and David Tingley (New York University) for Routing of Hippocampal Ripples to Subcortical Structures via the Lateral Septum
  17. Sydney E. Cason (University of Pennsylvania) for Sequential dynein effectors regulate axonal autophagosome motility in a maturation-dependent pathway and Fadi Jacob (Johns Hopkins) for A Patient-Derived Glioblastoma Organoid Model and Biobank Recapitulates Inter- and Intra-tumoral Heterogeneity and Lyle Kingsbury (UCLA) for Correlated Neural Activity and Encoding of Behavior across Brains of Socially Interacting Animals
  18. Manuela Perez Berlanga (UZH) for On the role of TDP-43 in the pathologies of ALS and frontotemporal disorders and Daniel Gonzalez Bohorquez (UZH) for On the link between lipid synthesis, neural stem cell proliferation, and cognition in mice and humans and Yi Xiao Jiang (UCLA) for Structural characterization of fibrils in frontotemporal lobar degeneration


Please find below a collection of links that point you to tools, resources, colleagues, etc, which are useful to us in our daily work.

Molecular Simulation and Analysis Software

Molecular Visualization Software


Literature Search

Other Research Groups


Generally speaking, our algorithms and tools are contained and explained in papers and in the documentation of the software packages hosting their implementation. For community detection algorithms, the following website provides additional information: